Pine Ridge Partnership Summit

Pine Ridge Partnership Summit

The Pine Ridge Partnership is a concerted response to the severe storms and flooding that racked the Pine Ridge Reservation in 2015. SNCC leadership presented processes and potential approaches for culturally responsive green development at Pine Ridge, where an already chronic housing shortfall exists in one of the poorest US counties. Convened by the Center Read more….

Solutions for Energy Sovereignty

Solutions for Energy Sovereignty

This workshop brought a group of students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute to Santo Domingo to develop a set of solar PV options for the Santo Domingo Housing Development. The students were tasked with optimizing the cost-benefit ratios for three solar PV scales: residential (single panels), commercial (a larger shared array), and utility (multiple arrays). They Read more….

Green, Culturally and Regionally Appropriate Housing Strategies

Green, Culturally and Regionally Appropriate Housing Strategies

SNCC team members researched and facilitated a Northwest-specific housing and planning workshop focusing on culturally responsive green architecture, building envelope design, and life cycle cost analysis. Beginning with a discussion centering on the history of tribal housing and traditional Pacific Northwest design reference points, the presentation offered research findings and practical applications for Northwest Tribal Read more….

Resilient Montana Summit

Resilient Montana Summit

In the wake of extensive forest fires and flooding across Montana, the SNCC team joined a diverse group of state agencies, tribal delegations and allied design and planning professionals to assess local community challenges and envision ways to build back better. Representatives from eight affected areas presented disaster impacts and resilient initiatives underway while the coalition Read more….

Healthy Housing Workshop

Healthy Housing Workshop

The Healthy Housing Workshop emerged out of the Health Impact Assessment, a collaboration between SNCC, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the UVA Schools of Public Health and Architecture. SNCC invited its partners to Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM to share the information collected in the Health Impact Assessment with the tribe. The workshop focused Read more….

Tribal Asset Building Workshop

Tribal Asset Building Workshop

Continuing an impactful set of regional collaborations with the Native Learning Center, the SNCC team gathered on Navajo Nation with representatives from diverse regional Tribes to facilitate workshop sessions centered on Tribal asset building and leveraging resources. With financial pathways to green, culturally appropriate housing becoming increasingly complex, SNCC has developed strategies, materials and tools Read more….

Health Impact Assessment

Health Impact Assessment

SNCC partnered with the Harvard School of Public Health and the UVA Schools of Public Health and Architecture to assess how the built environment in tribal housing impacts health outcomes. The impact assessment examines health and built-environment data from tribal areas nationwide and reveals unsurprising links between the importance of designing good housing and community Read more….

Indian Housing Training Conference

Indian Housing Training Conference

In the course of the Native Learning Center’s Indian Housing Training Conference, SNCC team members produced and led a series of workshops with representatives from numerous regional tribes gathered in Oklahoma. SNCC presented recently-completed exemplary tribal housing case studies produced with funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. These detailed accounts of Read more….

Building Sustainable Communities Workshop

Building Sustainable Communities Workshop

Hosted by the Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin and supported by the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the SNCC team produced and convened a workshop – entitled ‘Building Sustainable Communities’ – for participating Great Lakes region tribes. The workshop launched with ‘Learning from our Elders,’ presenting a participatory architecture process based on listening, and the sharing of Read more….

Hawaiian Homelands Design Workshop

Hawaiian Homelands Design Workshop

Collaborating with students and staff of the University of Hawaii School of Architecture and Planning and the Department of Hawaiian Homelands, facilitators from Architecture for Humanity and the Sustainable Native Communities Collaborative facilitated a school-wide workshop focusing on native-to-place architecture and multi-generational housing design with Native Hawaiians and Polynesian Islanders. The Hawaiian Homelands Design Workshop Read more….